FA-VA3 Antenna Analyser


Below are some pictures I took when building the analyser.

The pictures may help with the orientation of the LEDs, the placement of the unmarked inductors, and of the transistors and regulator.

The quality is superb, and it is very easy to build. I think it is fair to say thought that you must have good soldering skills, and this is not a "first project".

All the instructions, and the operating manual are in German, and you must be prepared to translate this and ensure you understand the instructions. This will probably take much more time than the actual building, but is essential.

Click here   for an English version of the testing and commissioning. this is my attempt at translation, so take it as a rough guide only, as an aid to your own translation. The only 100% correct version is the German supplied with the kit.

Click here for an English description of the calibration procedure. Again, this is my attempt at a guide, try also to understand the German official instructions.